The package recipemd provides two CLI applications:

  • recipemd performs actions with a single recipe in RecipeMD format.

  • recipemd-find performs actions on a folder of RecipeMD recipes.

Usage Examples

Display and validate a recipe:

recipemd <path/to/>

Get recipe title:

recipemd <path/to/> -t

Get recipe ingredients, e.g. to pipe to shoppinglist-cli:

recipemd <path/to/> -i

Multiply recipe by a factor:

recipemd <path/to/> -m 5.5

Scale recipe for a given yield (e.g. number of servings, volume, mass, amount):

recipemd <path/to/> -y "10 servings"

Get all tags of all recipes in the current folder:

recipemd-find tags

Get recipes by tag:

recipemd-find -e "tag:cheese or tag:summer" recipes

Command reference


Read and process recipemd recipes

usage: recipemd [-h] [-v] [-t | -i | -j] [-r n] [-m N | -y Y]
                [-f | --export-links [DIR]]

A recipemd file

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit

-t, --title

Display recipe title

-i, --ingredients

Display recipe ingredients

-j, --json

Display recipe as JSON

-r <n>, --round <n>

Round amount to n digits after decimal point. Default is “2”, use “no” to disable rounding.

-m <n>, --multiply <n>

Multiply recipe by N

-y <y>, --yield <y>

Scale the recipe for yield Y, e.g. “5 servings”

-f, --flatten

Flatten ingredients and instructions of linked recipes into main recipe

Export flattened linked recipes as required for the main recipe to DIR (DIR defaults to recipe file name)


Find recipes, ingredients and units by filter expression

usage: recipemd-find [-h] [-v] [-e EXPRESSION] [-s] [-1 | -C | -x] action ...
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit

-e <expression>, --expression <expression>

Filter expression. Expects a boolean string, e.g. “cake and vegan or ingr:cheese”

-s, --no-messages

suppress error messages


Force output to be one entry per line. This is the default when output is not to a terminal.


Force multi-column output; this is the default when output is to a terminal.


The same as -C, except that the multi-column output is produced with entries sorted across, rather than down, the columns.

recipemd-find ingredients

usage: recipemd-find ingredients [-h] [-c] [folder]

path to a folder containing recipemd files. Works recursively for all *.md files.

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-c, --count

count number of uses per ingredient

recipemd-find recipes

usage: recipemd-find recipes [-h] [folder]

path to a folder containing recipemd files. Works recursively for all *.md files.

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

recipemd-find tags

usage: recipemd-find tags [-h] [-c] [folder]

path to a folder containing recipemd files. Works recursively for all *.md files.

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-c, --count

count number of uses per tag

recipemd-find units

usage: recipemd-find units [-h] [-c] [folder]

path to a folder containing recipemd files. Works recursively for all *.md files.

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-c, --count

count number of uses per unit