RecipeMD Specification

This is version 2.4.0 of the RecipeMD specification.

RecipeMD is a Markdown-based format for writing down recipes. It defines a certain structure which a document must follow to be a RecipeMD recipe.

All RecipeMD files shall follow the commonmark specification.


This example presents the basic format of a RecipeMD recipe

# Guacamole

Some people call it guac.

*sauce, vegan*

**4 Servings, 200g**


- *1* avocado
- *.5 teaspoon* salt
- *1 1/2 pinches* red pepper flakes
- lemon juice


Remove flesh from avocado and roughly mash with fork. Season to taste
with salt, pepper and lemon juice.
  • the title is noted as a first level header: # Guacamole

  • the short description is noted as one or more paragraphs: Some people call it guac.

  • the tags are noted as paragraph containing only a comma seperated list in italics: *sauce, vegan*

  • the yield is noted as paragraph containing only a comma seperated list in bold face: **4 Servings, 200g**

  • the ingredients are noted as list items. The headings form the titles of ingredient groups. The amount of each ingredient (if given) is noted in italics. Amounts may be expressed as decimals (dividers “.” and “,”) and fractions:

    - *1* avocado
    - *.5 teaspoon* salt
    - *1 1/2 pinches* red pepper flakes
    - lemon juice
  • anything following the second horizontal line is considered instructions

RecipeMD Data Types


A valid recipe consists of:

  • a title

  • optional: a short description

  • 0..n tags

  • 0..n yields

  • ingredients:

    • ungrouped ingredients as 0..n ingredients

    • grouped ingredients as 0..n ingredient groups

  • optional: instructions

A recipe is represented in markdown as follows:

  1. Title as a first level heading

  2. Short description as zero or more paragraphs

  3. Yield and Tags (arbitrary order, both optional):

    • Tags as a single paragraph which is completely in italics. Tags are a comma separated list of strings.

    • Yields as a single paragraph which is completely in bold. Yields are a comma separated list of amounts.

  4. a horizontal line

  5. the ingredients

  6. a horizontal line – this may be omitted if there are no instructions

  7. optional: the instructions, everything following the second line

Note that for the comma separated lists, a comma is not treated as a list divider if the characters directly before and after are numerical. This is to allow amounts with a comma as a decimal divider to appear in lists.


An amount consists of

  • a value as a number

  • optional a unit

An amount is represented as follows:

  1. A number, which may have one of the following formats

    • improper fraction (e.g. 1 1/5)

    • proper fraction (e.g 3/7)

    • unicode vulgar fractions (like ½) may also be used

    • decimal with dividers “.” and “,” (e.g. “41.9”)

  2. A unit which is just everything following the number


An ingredient consists of

  • optional an amount

  • a name

  • optional a link to a recipe for the ingredient

An ingredient is represented as follows:

  1. The amount in italics

  2. Everything following until the end of the list item is part of the name or the link as specified below:

    1. If a name contains only an inline-link, the link-text represents the name of the ingredient and the link-destination specifies a resource that contains a recipe for the ingredient

    2. Otherwise, the text is the name and the link is not set

Ingredient Group

An ingredient group is a group of related ingredients, e.g. the ingredients making up one component of a dish. It consists of:

  • a title

  • 0..n ingredients

  • 0..n ingredients groups

An ingredient group us represented as follows:

  1. A heading, whose contents are the group’s title

  2. A list of ingredients (can be skipped). The items of all lists following the heading are treated as ingredients of the group.

  3. A group may have child groups: Groups directly following a group are considered children of that group if their initial heading has a lower level than the original group. Heading levels are determined by their corresponding HTML heading, with <h1> being the highest heading level and <h6> the lowest.

RecipeMD Parsing Strategy

This section presents a parsing strategy for RecipeMD documents. This is based on the parsing algorithm used by the reference implementation.

The main algorithm is presented first.


The following conventions are common to all algorithms.

  • Variables are represented as code

  • Advance a block b: Set b to the block after b. If b is the last block, it will be unset afterwards.

  • Enter a block b: Set b to the first child of b. This is only defined for container blocks, and will error otherwise.

  • Leave a block b: Set b to the parent of b. If b has no parent, it will be unset afterwards.

Parsing a Recipe

The RecipeMD syntax is described in terms of the commonmark specification. To parse a recipe, follow this algorithm. The algorithm accepts a commonmark document.

  1. Let c be the first block of the document.

  2. Parse title:

    • If c it is a heading and has a level of 1:

      • Assign c‘s contents to the recipe’s title.

      • Advance c.

    • Else abort parsing with an error.

  3. Let descriptionStart be the index of the starting line of c, let descriptionEnd be unset

  4. Parse the description:

    • If c is a paragraph whose contents are a single emphasis or strong emphasis, go to 5.

    • Else if c is a thematic break, go to 5.

    • Else set descriptionEnd to the ending line of c, advance c.

  5. Set the description:

    • If descriptionEnd is unset, keep the description unset.

    • Else set the recipe’s description to the the inclusive range of lines between descriptionStart and descriptionEnd

  6. Parse tags and yields:

    • If c is a paragraph whose contents are a single emphasis:

      • If the recipe’s tags are set, abort parsing with an error

      • Else set the recipe’s tags to the contents of the paragraph, split at the comma character (with commas between ASCII digits ignored) and each element stripped from whitespace.

      • Advance c, go to 6.

    • Else if c ia a paragraph whose contents are a single strong emphasis:

      • If the recipe’s yields are set, abort parsing with an error

      • Else set the recipe’s yields to the contents of the paragraph, split a the comma character (with commas between ASCII digits ignored), each element stripped from whitespace and parsed as an amount.

      • Advance c, go to 6.

    • Else go to next step.

  7. Find ingredient divider:

    • If c is a thematic break, advance c

    • Else abort parsing with an error.

  8. Parse ingredients and ingredient groups:

    • If c is a heading:

      • Run “Parsing Ingredient Groups” with c, groups set to the recipe’s ingredient groups and parentLevel set to -1.

      • Set c to the returned block

      • Go to 8.

    • Else if c is a list item (ordered or unordered)

      • Run “Parsing an Ingredient List” with c and ingredients set to the recipe’s ingredients.

      • Go to 8.

  9. Find instruction divider

    • If c is a thematic break, advance c

  10. Set the recipe’s instructions to the remainder of the documents contents from c to the end of the file.

Parsing Ingredient Groups

This algorithm accepts a block c, a list of ingredients groups groups and an integer parent level parentLevel. It modifies groups to append the ingredient groups found and returns the current block c.

  1. Examine c:

    • If c is not a heading, return.

    • Else

      • Let l be the heading level of c

      • Check nesting:

        • If l is less than or equal to parentLevel, return.

      • Let g be an ingredient group with a title equal to the contents of the heading c, empty ingredients and empty ingredient groups.

      • Advance c

      • Run “Parsing an Ingredient List” with c and i set to the ingredients of g.

      • Run “Parsing Ingredient Groups” with c, groups set to the ingredient groups of g and parentLevel set to l.

      • Go to 1.

Parsing an Ingredient List

This algorithm accepts a block c and a list of ingredients ingredients. It modifies ingredients to append the ingredients found and returns the current block c.

  1. Examine c:

    • If c is not the start of a bulleted list of an ordered list, return.

    • Else:

      • Enter c

  2. Collect ingredients:

    • If c is a list item:

      • Run “Parsing an Ingredient” on c and append the result to ingredients.

      • Go to next item:

        • If c has a following block

          • Advance c and go to 2.

        • Else leave c and go to 1.

Parsing an Ingredient

This algorithm accepts a block c. It returns an ingredient i:

  1. Examine c:

    • If c is a list item, enter c-

    • Else abort parsing with an error.

  2. Let a be the amount, set to unset.

  3. Let n be the name, set to an empty string.

  4. Let l be a link, set to unset.

  5. Examine c:

    • If c is not a paragraph, set n to the verbatim contents of c.

    • Else:

      • Parse the amount:

        • If c‘s contents start with an emphasis inline:

          • Run “Parsing an Amount” with s set to the emphasis’ contents, and set a to the result.

          • Let r be the remaining contents of c after the emphasis.

        • Else: Let r be the verbatim contents of c

      • Parse the link:

        • If c is the only child of its containing list item and c‘s contents consist only of a single inline link:

          • Set l to the link’s destination.

          • Set n to the link’s text.

        • Else set n to r.

  6. Parse the following blocks of the list item:

    • If c has a block following after it:

      • Advance c.

      • Append c‘s verbatim contents to n.

      • Go to 6.

  7. Leave c

  8. Let i be an ingredient with the amount a, name n and link l.

Parsing an Amount

This algorithm accepts a string s and returns an amount or nothing. In this algorithm the following conventions are used.

  • w+ represents one or more whitespace characters

  • w* represents zero or more whitespace characters

  • [xy] represents the set of literal characters enclosed by the brackets, in this case the character “x” or “y”

  1. Trim all whitespace at the beginning of s

  2. Check for negative

    • If s starts with a "-" character, let negative be true. Remove the "-" and trim all whitespace at the beginning of s

    • Else let negative be false

  3. Let v be a number, set it to unset

    • If s starts with an improper fraction (a w+ b w* [/] w* c, with a, b, c integers), set v to a + (b/c).

    • Else if s stars with an improper faction using Unicode vulgar fractions (a w+ b, with a integers and b a Unicode vulgar fractions). Set f to the numeric value assigned to b and v to a + f.

    • Else if s starts with a proper fraction (a w* [/] w* b, with a, b integers), set v to (a/b).

    • Else if s starts with a Unicode vulgar fraction a. Set v to the numeric value assigned to a.

    • Else if s starts with a decimal number (a [.,] b, with a, b integers), set v to a decimal number with a being its whole and b being its fractional part.

    • Else if s starts with an integer a, set v to a.

  4. Let u be the remainder of s, stripped of whitespace. Set u to unset if it is the empty string.

  5. Return result:

    • If v is set, return an amount the the value v and the unit u.

    • Else if u is set, abort parsing with an error.

    • Else return nothing.

Test Cases

Implementations of this specification must conform with all test cases. There are two kinds of test cases: valid files (*.md with a corresponding *.json) and invalid files (*

The format of the JSON files is specified via a JSON schema file distributed with the testcases. When comparing the actual to the expected results property order in objects should be ignored.

Authors Licensing

This specification was written and is maintained by Jonas Grosse-Holz and Tilman Stehr. The project’s website is

The specification is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

Version History

Version 2.4.0 (2024-02-14)

This spec version mostly contains clarifications for previously undefined behavior and fixes of inconsistencies. Many thanks to

d-k-bo for the detailed report on these that lead to this release!

  • Update link to test cases to point to the new “RecipeMD” GitHub organization.

  • Fix test cases that included amounts with no factor.

    • These were always invalid according to the spec, but the reference implementation incorrectly accepted them.

  • Update data type definitions to align with the test cases and the reference implementation.

  • Add a detailed description of a RecipeMD parsing strategy.

  • Reference new JSON Schema for test case JSON files.

  • Specify the title of an ingredient group as a non-optional field.

    • The parsing algorithm never allowed the creation of groups without a title, but the field was marked as optional in the data type description.

    • This will not change the parsing behavior of any recipes. It may however be a breaking change for implementations, since it changes the interface of the ingredient group data type in a way that may not be backwards compatible.

  • Clarify the behavior of multiple lists following an ingredient group heading.

  • Clarify that the comma splitting algorithm is to be used for tags as well as for yields.

Version 2.3.5 (2022-08-14)

  • Fix test case “” to use valid link targets

  • Expand test cases to cover

    • reference links and reference-style images

    • ingredients with sublists

    • ingredients using numbered lists

    • ingredients partially wrapped with links

    • link ingredients with spaces in link targets

    • link ingredients with link titles

    • partial tag paragraphs that should not be interpreted as tags

    • titles using setext headings

Version 2.3.4 (2021-12-26)

  • Fixes to test cases:

    • Add missing ingredient groups in JSON files

    • Clean up formatting

    • Fix missing indentation spaces for multiline ingredients

Version 2.3.3 (2021-01-02)

  • Clarify that yields and tags may appear at most once.

  • Add test cases:

    • Multiple yields or tags

    • Tag/yield order

Version 2.3.2 (2019-12-18)

  • Add author and license information

Version 2.3.1 (2019-11-18)

  • Fix missing link

  • Fix wrong indentation and word wrapping

Version 2.3.0 (2019-11-18)

  • Add a full version of the example

  • Add version history reconstructed from git

  • Add reference to test suite

Version 2.2.0 (2019-04-22)

  • Allow recipes to reference other recipes

2.1.0 (2019-03-25)

  • Allow unicode vulgar fractions in ingredient amounts

2.0.1 (2018-09-17)

  • Reword specification

  • Clarify edge cases

2.0.0 (2018-09-13)

  • Breaking: Seperate yields and tags into own paragraphs

1.0.0 (2018-08-26)

  • Initial version